The End of a Brief Era -- Original BBC Open Forum Says Goodbye

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From the original BBC Open Forum:

I have been invited to move along and am accepting the invitation to do so.

I plan to delete this site at some point soon in the future. If you want to copy & paste all this stuff to a new site you have my permission (not that you need it). Should anyone wish to begin a new blog to continue the conversation that is easily done through the blogger site and it is free. If you wish you may set up your site and post a link in the comment section of this thread pointing people there.

Not that it matters but I don�t much care about credit cards or the fence. It is listening to the words on tape and the Holy Land trip business that bother me. Those are not allegations, they are just the way it is. The words from the heart and the set up of the trip are well documented. Decide for yourself and stay or leave as you see fit. I already have. Some may cheer and some may be disappointed by this. Perhaps no one will give a hoot.

I don�t feel very good about much of what has happened and I don�t see a �winner� coming out of this. Well, God always wins in the end but you know what I mean. Anyway, I just can�t hang around here or any other BBC site because it is starting to impact my personal walk a little too much. Maybe that is selfish, I don't know. Moving on may not be the right thing to do, but it seems right to me.

Please don't respond to me in the comments. I won't be reading them.

I don�t know what else to say. I�ll let my last words to you be my personal favorite Bible verse which is John 16:33.

"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."

posted by BBC Open Forum at 11:10 AM on Oct 24 2006

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