Scroll down for John Langworthy stuff.

I'm keeping the John Langworthy story on the front page for now, but a couple of local stories are in the news now. More information will be available after JL's scheduled court date on October 5th or as soon as it develops.

Please, if you were a victim of JL or any other abuser or have information about this case or abuse of anyone, regardless of how insignificant the information may seem, contact the proper authorities and let them sort it out. In Clinton, that would be detective Josh Frazier at 601-924-5252.

If the abuse or suspicion of abuse occurred in Jackson, MS:

Jackson Police Sex Crimes:


In addition to either of the two police departments listed above, to provide any information regarding the JL case or abuse in Hinds County, MS, contact Assistant D.A. Jamie McBride at 601-968-6568.

If the abuse or suspicion of abuse occurred at Prestonwood or in the Dallas area:

This is a great list of victim's services information.

Dallas Police non-emergency number:


Child exploitation unit:


Dallas Children's Advocacy Center


DCAC victim assistant coordinator:


DCAC will act as the go-between if you do not want to contact the police directly. Don't worry about any statute of limitations. What may seem to be an insignificant detail may be the missing puzzle piece the investigators need. Go to them and tell them what you know and let them determine if it's important! They will keep your identity confidential.

Scroll down for all the John Langworthy articles and comments or click on these links:

John Langworthy Arrested (Current JL thread. Comments are active.)

Comments are closed on these older articles, but the articles and previous comments are still available.

Church Leaders Lawyer Up In Sex Crime Investigation

Wolves in the Music Ministry - Part 2

Wolves in the Music Ministry

U.S Easy Money is the Problem

"In 2010 it was all about criticizing China. Today it's all about Europe. When will the world see that U.S. easy money is really the problem."

- Jim Rickards

James G. Rickards talks to James Turk

James G. Rickards ( and James Turk, Director of the GoldMoney Foundation, talk about the European sovereign debt crisis and the European Central Bank buying Italian bonds. They talk about the ECB's role in the crisis and how it is becoming increasingly politicised, in contrast with its predecessor of sorts -- the Bundesbank. They talk about the possible differences between Jean-Claude Trichet and his successor Mario Draghi. James Rickards explains how Europe is developing a common fiscal policy with a common Treasury, in the form of the European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF), which will dictate fiscal policy to many member countries -- such as Greece -- in exchange for rescue funds. Rickards is bullish on the euro, among other reasons because the eurosystem owns 10,000 tonnes of gold.

Rickards and Turk debate whether or not central banks really own the gold they claim to own, and talk about how the current currency war -- with countries competing to see who can devalue their currencies the most -- is a disastrous zero-sum game. They discuss the problems facing countries whose currencies are appreciating rapidly, such as Brazil and Switzerland, and what these countries might do to curb this appreciation.

They comment on the recent debt-ceiling debate and how the compromise reached, despite all the headlines, does not actually include any real cuts, including only cuts in proposed increases. Rickards mentions his four possible scenarios for the future of the international monetary system: SDR, gold, multiple reserve currencies or chaos.

They talk about the potential for hyperinflation as the US government continues to rely on debt, instead of revenue, to finance an increasing portion of its outlays. Jim Rickards sees the potential for both deflation and hyperinflation and explains that it will depend largely on the actions of the Fed, with Bernanke leaning more in the direction of more money printing.

They discuss South Korea's recent acquisition of 25 tonnes of gold, as well as Indian and Chinese buying. Rickards explains that China is trying to bypass the world market by buying directly from miners.
James G. Rickards forthcoming book is: Currency Wars. The making of the next global crisis.

This interview was recorded on August 4 2011 in London.

Adrian Rogers 80th Birthday Celebration

From the Baptist Press:

Adrian Rogers is turning 80 this year and we are going to celebrate!

BARTLETT, Tenn. (news release)--The Adrian Rogers Pastor Training Institute, the Adrian Rogers family, and Faith Baptist Church (Bartlett, TN) are hosting the Adrian Rogers 80th Birthday Celebration on Sunday evening, September 18 at 6:00pm. The event will be held in the Faith Baptist Church sanctuary. There are no tickets required; all are welcome.

This special event will commemorate the life and legacy of one of the greatest Christian leaders of the last 100 years, Dr. Adrian Rogers. In addition to commemorating his 50 plus years of public ministry, the event will celebrate the future extension of this legacy through the Pastor Training Institute and its deployment of the online Adrian Rogers School of Global Leadership. When finished, this state-of-the-art website will feature the training of Dr. Adrian Rogers which will educate and equip hundreds of thousands of global pastors, per month, that are unable to attend seminary due to cost and inaccessibility.

Leading the music portion of the event will be Dr. Jim Whitmire, who presently serves as minister of music as First Baptist Church, Jacksonville. Dr. Whitmire served as Dr. Rogers' ministry of music for 38 years, starting with First Baptist Merritt Island and moving onto Bellevue Baptist Church.

Whitmire recently noted, "I am honored to be able to participate in this event where we can truly celebrate the legacy of a very unique servant of the Lord. I'm so excited that the Pastor Training Institute continues to carry on Dr. Rogers' legacy. He loved preachers�especially young preachers. This was the genesis of the Pastor Training Institute. He saw himself growing older and transferring his wisdom and experience onto the next generation. I don't think he had any idea of how global it would go, as the ministry is committed to training 1,000,000 pastors in 100 countries by the year 2020."

Also joining in the festivities are musical guests Jamie and Dana Parker. Jamie presently serves as music minister for Dr. Ronnie Floyd at Cross Church (Springdale, Arkansas).

July 25, 2011

Yes, but did he tithe?

It appears Rusty Hyneman's house of cards has finally collapsed.

Commercial Appeal >> Fast and loose: Sweetheart bank loans spur Rusty Hyneman�s financial collapse: Lenders call in their debts and crumble developer's empire of excess

Commercial Appeal >> Developers Hyneman, Bourne pulled 'scam' on bank, contractor says

Commercial Appeal >> 'Flip' on land flops as windfall profit blows ill: Bourne, Hyneman buy acreage, sell to selves

Rusty's father, John Hyneman, is a Bellevue deacon, and Rusty is a Bellevue member although no one seems to recall seeing him there in years. Rusty's defense that the court couldn't touch his McMansion and other property because his daddy co-owned them didn't impress the court.

Commercial Appeal >> Memphis-area developer Rusty Hyneman's 'daddy defense' headed to court

Of course, this wasn't Rusty Hyneman's first brush with the law. He served time in federal prison for drug trafficking charges.

Memphis Flyer >> The art of the deal

Then there was this bizarre incident:

Commercial Appeal >> Hyneman goes to court over fight: Developer faces assault charge in incident outside Beale bar

So is this really the end of the road for Rusty Hyneman or will he prove to be Teflon-coated yet again?

I suppose the most important question to ask is if Hyneman tithed to Bellevue on all those millions. If he didn't he was living in a stolen house, driving a stolen Rolls and Bentley, flying in stolen jets, riding stolen horses... oh, wait.