Sammy Nuckolls Update

"It warns so many times in the Bible of wolves in sheep's clothing."

-- Ashley Fisher, alleged victim of Sammy Nuckolls

WMC-TV >> Alleged victim of convicted video voyeur speaks out

Side note: For all of you looking for "Eddie Struble" I think this is what you're looking for.

The Future of the Dollar

"Jim Rickards, director of market intelligence for scientific consulting firm Omnis, shares his outlook for the dollar."

- Source MSNBC:

China Inequality Far Worse than Official Stats

"Any eye openers from Asia trip so far? Yeah, China income inequality far worse than official stats. Has revolutionary potential."

- Jim Rickards, via Twitter:

The Real Reason Ben Bernanke Resists the Gold Standard

The fact that the chairman devoted substantial time to the subject suggests that the idea of a new gold standard is gaining traction and that some public rebuttal was required. That's interesting because for decades mainstream economists of the Bernanke type have disparaged the role of gold. If a new consensus is emerging that gold has some role to play, this is a threat to the beliefs of Bernanke and others such as Paul Krugman who take the view that money-printing capacity is essentially unlimited.

Bernanke's public attack on gold comes down to two propositions, both demonstrably false...

- Read the full article here: