How the Dollar Will Collapse

In this brief excerpt of a presentation by James Rickards, he explains how the dollar will inevitably collapse. The flight from the dollar will eventually hit it's mass exodus threshhold.

Which One of These is Not Like the Others?

"Which one of these is not like the other? Jim Rickards poses the question to Ivy League professors and 5 year olds, and the results are astounding."

- Source, Jim Rickards, via Gold

Confidence in Paper Money Will Wane

�I expect the international monetary system to destabilize �. There will be so much money printing by so many central banks that people�s confidence in paper money will wane and inflation will rise sharply.�

- James Rickards

What's Meant by Too Much Central Planning?

On today's "Technicals Vs. Fundamentals," Tangent Capital Partners' Jim Rickards and Optionshop's Alan Knuckman discuss their investment strategies for stocks and bonds. They speak on Bloomberg Television's "Lunch Money."

- Source, Bloomberg TV:

Japan Enters the Currency Wars in Full Force

By Erin McCarthy of  The Wall Street Journal

"Investors and economists concerned about the current central bank battle to weaken their currencies might want to get comfortable, because this so-called �currency war� isn�t ending any time soon, warns veteran financier and author of the 2011 book �Currency Wars: The Making of the Next Global Crisis� James Rickards.

In an interview on the DJ FX Trader podcast, Rickards says the continuing currency battle will likely last until 2014 or 2015, and in the meantime rising inflation across the globe remains a key risk.

�We�re not in currency wars all the time, but when we are they tend to last for a very long time,� he says.

He contends that Japan�s battle to weaken the yen also has a much longer way to go, since the yen would have to reach 110 or 120 yen per dollar to achieve improved growth and to fix the country�s deflation problem.

Listen below for more of Rickard�s views on currency policy and why it will be a topic on the agenda at next week�s Group of 20 meeting, and to hear from DJ FX Trader strategist and columnist Vincent Cignarella on how to trade foreign exchange amid this latest currency skirmish."

Listen to the full podcast here: 

99.9% of Investors Don't Get Gold

"Certainly the gold bugs are saying this is the beginning of the end, Germany�s taking their gold back and the price is going to scream. But you have to understand that 99.9% of investors don�t get gold. Warren Buffet comes out and says it�s just a shiny metal with no yield, gold hasn't been taught academically for 40 years. So we have 2 generations of scholars that anyone under the age of 50 that knows anything about gold is self-taught as they've stopped teaching it in the schools. Institution allocations of gold are about 1.5%- their portfolio�s are about 40% stocks, 40% bonds, and about 1% gold, so there is an educational function that has to go on. The gold will get there, but not all at once."

- Excerpt from a recent interview with Jim Rickards by Yahoo Daily Ticker, find the full interview here:

Central Banks Repatriating Gold

Jim Rickards appears on Yahoo Finances "The Daily Ticker". On this episode Jim talks about the growing trend of Central Banks repatriating their gold from foreign holders. Could this cause a run on gold? This is just one more sign of the currency wars heating up.

- Source, Yahoo Finance, the Daily Ticker: