Meet Mr. Ace!

share and show love

Attention NBBCOF Bloggers!

We have now learned the identity of Mr. Ace, the blogger who has made it his personal goal of disrupting this forum for the past several weeks. Ace was foolhardy enough to write Jim Haywood, whom he had viciously attacked in several comments which were quickly deleted from this forum, identifying himself as "Adam Jones" and gave Mr. Haywood his cell phone number requesting that he call him. Mr. Haywood apparently shared that information with several other people, one of whom performed a reverse cell phone number search and learned that "Adam Jones" is in reality Adam Cary Sidhom. Mr. Sidhom, who goes by his middle name, Cary, is a member of Bellevue and a member of the string section of the orchestra. He will turn 20 years old this Friday. (NASS has woolly socks older than that.)

It's interesting that "ace" always said he never lied, yet in his message to Mr. Haywood he stated, "I am not hiding my identity. Hi, my name is Adam, what's yours?" [He didn't know to whom he was writing?] "In fact, give me a call if you want to talk more... 901-XXX-XXXX... The WHOIS records haven't been updated wherever you just searched. Try searching at and you will see the domain registrar has my name + phone number... it's showing up as updated there."

Okay, let's explore that statement. "Ace" told me he helped set up and is a moderator for, a site set up with this stated purpose: "This is a website to show our support for Bellevue Baptist Church. Here you can show your support for Dr. Steve Gaines and our great church and share with others how Bellevue has positively influenced your life and family. Together we can show the world how Bellevue has changed lives and is answering prayers." That's certainly a worthy and positive endeavor, and "ace" even asked me to place a link for the site on this forum which I did. However, later that same evening, Cary, who posts there using his first name, asked me to remove the link as he didn't want it on this site anymore.

But wait... another site just popped up this past Friday called "Save Saving Bellevue," a vindictive "spoof" of the Saving Bellevue site. Note: No link will be provided here for that site, and you go there at your own risk (or more specifically, possibly that of your computer), but here is a screen shot. It's interesting to note that both these sites, at least until yesterday, were registered to fake names ("Adam Jones" and "Adam 123," respectively) at fake Cordova addresses with Memphis zip codes.
Here are screen shots from from February 4th and 5th showing the changes that were made in the registration information for savesavingbellevue as well as the information for Now we see that the registrar is "Cary Sidhom" and at least some of his correct information is now listed.

But these two websites aren't all of Mr. Sidhom's adventures in cyberspace. Here are but a few of the places he's been hanging out:



Ask MrCary!

vBulletin Forums. There were over 4000 posts from MrCary there last night which now seem to have evaporated (or I suspect have just been hidden). However, you can still see some of them from here.

here about the legalities of recording conversations. And this one about recording video.

And the strange world of, parts of which are here, here, here, here, and here. Is Bellevue Baptist Church aware they're "sponsoring" this site?

Cary Sidhom is personally acquainted with the poster who posts here with the screen name "sickofthelies" and for some time now has insulted and mercilessly taunted this lady, who is an admitted victim of childhood sexual abuse herself, but would not reveal his identity to her. It turns out that Cary Sidhom is also personally acquainted with SOTL's family and is a close friend of her son's. In fact, she and another person recently paid the entire cost of Mr. Sidhom's fare for a Caribbean cruise a group of Bellevue string students and their parents plan to take in the spring so that the students can use their violins to share the Gospel in some of the local schools whenever the ship docks. They had offered to do this because Mr. Sidhom told SOTL he couldn't afford the cost of the trip and because he's always, in her words, "seemed like such a good kid." Knowing that she was paying for his trip, he continued his malicious attacks on her, both on the forum and in private correspondence with others.

Cary Sidhom and SOTL's family and other members of the orchestra and string group eat out together regularly, and at no time has Cary ever hinted that there was any problem between him and SOTL. In person he has remained polite and friendly. Yet he mocked her in his comments on the forum following her encounter with David Coombs. He has referred to her in e-mails as "pathetic," "a big, fat crybaby," and "a drama queen." And SOTL has had no idea all this time that she was paying for a Caribbean cruise for none other than "ace"!

In spite of criticism for his name-calling and behavior towards SOTL and others on this blog, "ace" has offered repeated disingenuous apologies, only to repeat his behavior again and again.

Last Tuesday night he warned me in an e-mail that two "immature" acquaintances of his were going to attack the blog. He claimed he was trying to talk them out of it because "we shouldn't stoop that low," but that he didn't know if he could stop them. Apparently he couldn't because the attacks by "thing 1" and "thing 2" began shortly thereafter. Hence, comment moderation has had to be in place almost continuously ever since.

"Ace" was permanently banned from posting here last week but continued to post anyway. When asked by someone why he continued to post after being told he couldn't, his reply was a flippant, "Because I feel like it."

More information will be forthcoming over the next few days. In the meantime, I would ask that you not personally attack this misguided young man. He is in need of our prayers.


"Ace" threatened to reveal the identities of some of the people posting here and thought he was telling everyone my identity.

This was a series of comments from January 22nd through the 29th which to me are evidence that "ace" was working alone or in combination with someone else to give a false impression of his own identity.

"ace" said...


Spill it. I have nothing to hide. Try to intimidate me all you want, I don't care. Post away.

10:10 PM, January 22, 2007

"Knower of all" said...

Ace, I know who you are. Do you want me to say right here or do you want me to tell you in e-mail? Your choice, and if I don't hear back from you in 5 minutes, I'm posting it here.

10:41 PM, January 22, 2007

"Knower of all" said...

You are Stephen Coombs, David Coombs eldest son. Does your dad know that you are posting on this blog?

10:45 PM, January 22, 2007

"ace" said...

Knower of all,

Email me if you want... or post it, I don't care.

-the real ace.

10:47 PM, January 22, 2007

"ace" said...


Steven's back... or is it Stephen? I believe Karen asked you a question Ace.

You can just call me Steve.

10:05 PM, January 27, 2007

"ace" said...

I am not Stephen Coombs.

A lot of people owe Stephen Coombs an apology, as well as the rest of the Coombs' family, including David for these lies and accusations. I'm sure they'll be waiting....

12:01 AM, January 29, 2007

Note that "knower of all" got a little ahead of "ace" when he revealed "ace's true identity" two minutes before "ace" gave him the go ahead. Regardless, from "ace's" comments, he stated he didn't mind someone revealing his identity, so to object when someone did so seems a bit disingenuous. It also seems a bit irresponsible to allow someone to plant the idea that he's someone he's not and to not deny it for a week. He even said, "Call me Steve."

Now we see he's posted a
petition urging people to sign protesting the ordination of David Coombs. A legitimate petition from a concerned BBC member urging the same thing was quickly removed from that site, but this one is allowed to remain.

And this one apparently never got off the ground.

It seems ViolaUnion needs to be "saved" now. What is this obsession with "saving" things? I would suppose Mr. Haywood should be flattered, for as they say, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery! Obsession, on the other hand, is a little "s'cary" though.

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