This Little Light: Beyond a Baptist Preacher Predator and His Gang

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Christa Brown has written a new book entitled This Little Light: Beyond a Baptist Preacher Predator and His Gang. Since I haven't had a chance to read it, I can't yet offer a review; however, Christa introduces it here and here.

Associated Baptist Press > Book says SBC lacks system of preventing sexual abuse

Some of the responses have been interesting (albeit predictable) as illustrated in this subsequent
blog article.

I said this article would have little to do with BBC, and that's true. It seems the PW story was one of so many that it was mentioned only in a footnote on page 165.

Christa says, "I think I've finally figured out how this all works. It's pretty simple really: Once you say that you were sexually abused by a Baptist minister, it doesn't really matter WHAT you do because, if you've opened your mouth, there will be plenty of stone-throwing no matter what. (I wish Baptist leaders would just post a sign somewhere and say this up-front. That would be easier -- at least we would know what to expect. You know... sort of like a no trespass sign: 'WARNING: No talking clergy abuse survivors allowed in Baptist-land.')"

Congratulations on your new book, Christa, and thank you for all you do to keep the spotlight on the problem of clergy sexual abuse and your support of the victims.

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