John Langworthy Update

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WLBT-TV >> Group spotlights sex offender's working at local drug store

For immediate release:

Admitted child molesting cleric gets state license

Group urges government agency to rescind it immediately

He was at Clinton church and now works at local pharmacy

Man currently faces eight felony counts of �gratification of lust�


Holding signs and childhood photos at a sidewalk news conference, a man who was sexually assaulted by a priest will disclose that

-- An admitted child molester now works now at a local drug store, and

-- He was recently licensed by the state of Mississippi as a pharmacy technician

The victims group will also

-- Announce that his group is writing Mississippi officials urging that they revoke the predator�s license, and

-- Urge anyone who saw, suspected or suffered the predator�s crimes to come forward, get help, protect kids, call police and start healing.


SATURDAY, Dec. 17, 1:00 p.m.


Outside the Medicap pharmacy, 821 E. Northside Drive (corner of Live Oak) in Clinton, MS


A Jackson man and clergy sex abuse victim who is the primary contact in Mississippi for an independent support group called SNAP, the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests (


SNAP has learned that an admitted child molester, John Langworthy, has � within the last month � obtained his Pharmacy Technician license from the Mississippi Board of Pharmacy and now works at Medicap Pharmacy.

Langworthy was indicted last month on criminal charges of eight felony counts of gratification of lust stemming from allegations that he abused five different children while he worked as a youth music minister at Morrison Heights Baptist Church.

SNAP is concerned because in order to get his license, Langworthy would have needed to pass a background check in order to prove he is of �good moral character.�

While he may have passed the criminal background check because of the timing of his application, his indictment and crimes indicate that he is clearly not of �good moral character,� and SNAP wants the MS Board of Pharmacy to immediately revoke his license. SNAP is also concerned because this job could feasibly put Langworthy within access to drugs with which he could tempt young children today as he did in the 1980�s.

And the group believes that any time a predator is given a title or position of responsibility, he or she will try to use it to win the trust of parents and get close to kids.

Associated Baptist Press >> Former music minister indicted


Mark Belenchia,, 601-953-2535

Amy Smith,, 281-748-4050

David Clohessy,, 314-566-9790 cell

Barbara Dorris

Outreach Director


Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests

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