A New Crisis is in the Near Future

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"If the Fed begins a new round of money printing and the Treasury continues with trillion-dollar plus deficits, there may come a time when even the credit of the Treasury and Fed are called into question and the money printing circus grinds to a halt. At that point the Fed could �phone a friend� at the IMF and be bailed out by a kind of IMF funny money called �special drawing rights� or SDR�s, or the Fed could use its nuclear option and go back to the gold standard using the gold in Fort Knox. Given the limited amount of gold and the huge amount of paper money that would have to be backstopped, the new gold price would be $7,000 per ounce or higher. These kinds of spikes in the price of gold during money crises have happened before � in 1930�s and the 1970�s. Those crises were forty years apart and the last one was forty years ago so a new crisis in the near future would be right on time."

- Jim Rickards

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