I Would Expect that this Depression Will Continue Indefinitely

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�[But] most of them don�t understand what�s going on in the economy. They�re using the wrong models. Everyone is using cyclical models�expecting some kind of robust recovery�they�ve been wrong every single time, [and] the reason is that we�re not in a cyclical recovery�We�re in a depression. We are in a depression for the first time since the 1930s�[So] if you�re curious and you want to know what a depression feels like, it feels like this because we�re in one.�

�The problem with a depression,� James continued, �is that it�s not a business cycle. It�s a different [economic] condition and so cyclical remedies such as monetary easing don�t work�You need a structural remedy and that means changes in tax laws, labor mobility, regulatory policy, fiscal policy etc�I don�t see any resolution of the structural issues on the table and therefore I would expect that this depression will continue indefinitely.�

- Source, Bull Market Thinking:

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