Jim Rickards on the Recession of 2014 and Greek islands for sale

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Chat room hours will be closed from 9-5, at least if you're employed by a big bank. That's right, banks may start disabling electronic chat-rooms following regulator scrutiny. We'll tell you all about it coming up.

And is there no where safe to keep your bitcoins? Sadly, that might be the case. Some "bitcoin-bandits" made off with over $1 million worth of electronic booty. We'll tell how they did it.

Finally, we have seen an unprecedented expansion in the monetary base over the past decade. However this phenomenon is not just limited to the US: Canada, South Africa, and Japan have all facilitated extraordinary expansions of their monetary bases, leading some to call this a competitive debasement of currency. In 2010 Guido Mantega, Brazil's finance minister, famously proclaimed "We're in the midst of an international currency war, a general weakening of currency." That was three years ago, so where are we now? We talk to James Rickards, author of of the bestselling book, "Currency Wars."

- Source, Russia Today:

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