Dollar Going to Collapse 80% or 90% or More

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James Rickards, author of the new book, "The Death of Money," foresees big inflation because the U.S. dollar's buying power will shrink. Rickards predicts, "Imagine gas at $20 a gallon and bread at $10. That's what we're talking about." So, if big inflation is coming, what about gold? Rickards says, "When I say the price of gold is going to $7,000 or $9,000 per ounce, which I expect it will, what I am really saying is the dollar is going to collapse 80% or 90% or more." It did in the 1970's. None of this is unprecedented. It all happened before."

Rickards says, "When a collapse happens it will happen quickly. You won't see it coming. There won't be time to run out and buy gold, and it probably will not even be available at that stage. You need to prepare now."

- Source, USA Watchdog:

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