Crystal Ball?

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Please continue your discussions here.

I was shocked to learn this morning that this little corner of Blogland is being blogged about all over.

Thanks to "bin wonderin" for that information.

Someone with the screen name "closetotheinnercircle" posted this series of comments this week raising some insightful questions and making some interesting predictions. Now, this person doesn't have the track record of "blessmewiththetruth" and "uturn" (remember them?), but if anyone has any knowledge of any of the things this person posted, the floor is yours.

This is not an attempt to spread rumors, and while it may have been "close's" intent to do just that, it is not my intent here. Please limit discussion of the issues listed to facts or at least make it clear if you're only speculating about something. In other words, please refrain from running amok.

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