Rachel's Story - The Risk of Ignoring a "Moral Failure"

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David Brown has requested that a story he received from a woman who for privacy purposes calls herself "Rachel" be featured in it's own topic heading. David introduces her to you here...

My dear brothers and sisters:

Much has been said in regards to the handling of this "moral failure." Most of you know I am critical of it.

I am attaching an
email from a hurting family. I received it this morning. I do have permission as you will see to publish it. It will rip your heart out. They are not members of Bellevue as I understand, yet the actions, or rather inactions, of Dr. Gaines have inflicted hurt on them. Every parent should read this and take heed. We must do EVERYTHING we can possibly do to protect our children. Any less is to fail them. And that is not acceptable.

Once again if you SUSPECT abuse you report it, immediately! Not six months later. The subject line in Rachel's email to me was this: "Just another example of how the Pastor's delay has hurt."

David Brown
SNAP coordinator of West Tennessee and Memphis

Related articles:

Voice to Stop Baptist Predators

Associated Baptist Press

Wendi Thomas in the Commercial Appeal

Stop Baptist Predators Blog

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