The International Monetary System has Already Collapsed Three Times Within the Last 100 Years

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It�s both a prequel and a sequel to �Currency Wars,� my first book. It�s a prequel in a sense that �Currency Wars� opened with two chapters that describe a financial war game that took place in a top-secret weapons laboratory in 2009.

That was the first time the Pentagon had ever done a war game where the only weapons could be financial instruments�stocks, bonds, derivatives, currencies.

How did I get involved in it? I start out talking about earlier involvement in national security matters and that led up to the war game. That part is the prequel.

The sequel is that in �Currency Wars� I also had a lot of history. There were five chapters of history and I thought that was very important.

If you are going to talk about gold with the reader, a lot of times if you jump right into gold, people think you are sort of a nut. I find if you tell the story through history people can see gold in a context, and when you talk about it, it doesn�t seem quite so strange.

In my new book, �The Death of Money,� there is no reason to repeat the history�that�s all in �Currency Wars��so it�s more forward leaning, and talks more about the future of the international monetary system, a coming collapse.

And not just a collapse, because a lot of people are running around talking doom and gloom, the end of the dollar and all that. I might even agree with that, but I don�t think it has a lot of content.

What I try to do is provide a more in-depth analysis describing what will come next, what the future international monetary system will look like.

I point out that the international monetary system has already collapsed three times within the last 100 years�1914, 1939, and 1971�and that another collapse would not be at all unusual. But it�s not the end of the world. It�s just that the major powers sit down and reform the system. I talk about what that reformation will look like.

So that�s the sequel or the continuation of the story looking over the horizon. Some stuff that is before �Currency Wars� and some stuff that is after. And other content on the contemporary situation in Europe and China, so I hope people enjoy it.

- Source, Jim Rickards via:

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