Where is Physical Gold Going

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You can�t loot the warehouse twice. Once you take all the gold out, you can�t take it out again. JPMorgan�s vault is low, Comex�s vault is low, the GLD�s vault is low.

One of the big movements right now is gold moving from places like UBS, Credit Suisse, and Deutsche Bank to private storage such as G4S, ViaMAT, and Brink�s. That doesn�t increase the supply of gold at all. But what it does do is it decreases the floating supply available for trading.

If I have my gold at UBS, UBS typically has the right of rehypothecation. But if I take my gold and move it over to ViaMAT, it�s just sitting there and it�s not being traded or rehypothecated.

So, if I move gold from UBS to ViaMAT, there�s no more or less gold in the world. I�m still the owner, and it�s the same amount of gold. But from a market perspective, the floating supply has decreased.

The biggest player in that is China. China is buying thousands of tons of gold secretly through deception and using military intelligence assets, covert operations, etc.

- Source Etf Daily News:

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